• Advice on structuring and formatting businesses;
Drafting of contracts and legal opinions;
Advice on equipment supply contracts;
Advice on EPC contracts;
Contractual management in infrastructure works;
Corporate operations - M&A; incorporation of companies and their changes; mergers; spinoffs; absorptions; transformations;
Legal advice on opening subsidiaries and branches of companies abroad, including interface with firms abroad (Angola, Senegal, Portugal, Spain, Mexico and Peru);
Due Diligences in corporate M&A operations;
Implementation of Corporate Governance;
Outsourcing of Governance Department;
Monitoring of clients’ corporate activities and routines, such as Meetings, Board of Directors' meetings, among others, and drafting corporate acts in general;
Drafting of a Shareholders' or Quotaholder Agreement;
Assistance in structuring the Governance Department, including outsourcing.
Assistance in structuring the Corporate Governance program;
Advice to members of Boards;
Monitoring the implementation and the Corporate Governance program itself.